Sunday, July 18, 2010

Taco Tuesday

Did Taco Tuesday (all-you-can-eat tacos for $7) at Don Pablo's with my friend Smiley this past week. Forgot my camera, as usual (sigh, I gotta start remembering, this is getting ridiculous), so you'll have to use your imagination.

Pretty simple fare: you get as many tacos as you want, but they serve you three at a time. You get your choice between beef or chicken, each with a soft or hard shell. Simple as that. I start things off with three beef - two being hard, one being soft. I gulp 'em down, but actually feel pretty defeated when I finish this initial plate. Man vs. Food, I'm not - am I really this weak?

I blame a couple factors: One, I attacked my two side dishes the tacos came with (something I forgot to mention - I chose Mexican rice and seasoned fries) right off the bat. This certainly didn't contribute to my taco count. And two, this dinner was literally the only thing I had eaten that day, so I feel like my stomach wasn't properly "stretched" enough. Maybe I should have had a cookie or two in the afternoon to prepare for the event.

I ordered my second plate of tacos, but did so knowing I wasn't gonna finish (with the exception of breakfast items, I'm a fiend for restaurant leftovers). Ordered chicken this time around, but only for variety's sake (for the record, beef trumps chicken in almost every circumstance, but especially when it comes to tacos). My final count wound up being around four tacos, if I'm being generous (3.5 is probably more accurate). Smiley fared much better, I think downing six tacos total. He said he was content after a few, but continued just for the hell of it. I agree, might as well milk the "all-you-can-eat" gimmick as much as you can. Just don't make yourself sick.

So although I got my money's worth (with a coke, my total bill was just over $10 - not too shabby), at the end of the day, I'm disappointed in myself. Be warned, Taco Tuesday: This ain't over...


  1. filling up on fries + rice on taco tuesday = rookie mistake. youre wasting valuable real estate. 3.5 tacos for 7 bucks is still a pretty good deal though.

    i think you should head back to perkins and do a live-blogging of your tackling of the tremendous twelve. hint: drink coffee with it.

  2. And for the record, those tacos weren't exactly bitch. Loaded with veggies and cheese, so even at just 3.5 (and with some for the take home), that's still a deal.


    I would SMASH some tacos...

    I once got all-you-can-eat pancakes at Denny's (when I was stuck at the airport for 10 hours), but could only eat 4. It was so pitiful.

  4. All about the T12 idea, that's a good one. I hear ya on the java, but not being a coffee man, water might have to do instead. Anything but coke (the carbonation = bad news).

    And Julia, that sounds like a challenge. Would love to have a "taco-off" with you, but making yours vegetarian would give you a distinct advantage, I think...

    Ugh, pancakes can be brutal. I think I remember not getting very far when IHOP had their "all you can eat" promotion. They require the most strategy of all the T12 components.

  5. Ugghghhhhh, I KNEW you would pull the vegetarian card on me in response to a Taco-Off. That is utter bullshit--beans are just as filling as meat, if not more so due to their higher fiber content (and pretty much equal protein). Don't believe me? Ask WebMD:

  6. I don't think the Taco Tuesday tacos have beans, but you would still have the advantage even if they did, because then mine would contain both meat AND beans. Sorry Bo, I think you would have to beat me by at least TWO tacos in order to claim true victory.

  7. Firstly, yours wouldn't have meat AND beans, it would just have meat... beans are the substitution for meat. And beat you by two tacos?? DONE.
